MG TC 1949

MG TC | 1949


Year of construction: 1949

Outside color: green

Color inside: beige leather

Body type: Cabriolet

Steering wheel position: RHD

Transmission: 4-speed manual transmission

Power: approx. 54 HP

Cylinder: 4

Displacement: approx. 1250 cc


Purchase price € 34,500.00

In the client's order

This MG TC was extensively restored a few years ago and the "Midget" is still in very nice condition today. The wooden frame was also renewed during the restoration. The MG recently received new rims and new Blockley tires - rims and tires are as good as new. The photo shows the car with the additionally installed Brooklands windows. The large window is of course present and also in good condition. The TC has now received a major inspection and the following work has just been completed: veneer dashboard renewed, new rear leaf springs, overhauled SU H2 carburettor system... more photos to follow!


This classic can be viewed in our exhibition - by prior appointment. Do you have any questions about this offer? I look forward to hearing from you! The sale takes place on behalf of the customer with the exclusion of the warranty.

Contact: Gerhard Breuer | 49 172 2660144 | 49 221 88888 00 |

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